On the final floor you will find 8 Evolution Crystals, 4 Deluxe Chests, and another Friend Bow. It is worth going to floor 99 for the rewards, if your team is strong enough. You can keep going until you get to floor 99, or use an Escape Orb. Once Mew finally joins your team, you have two choices.

If Mew does not join, just keep spawning enemies, or go to the next floor Mew spawns on and try again. Then you just hope Mew asks to join your team and does not despawn. Next, start attacking Mew with False Swipe to knock it out. Double-check that the leader is holding the Friend Bow, and then use the Inviting Orb. When you finally encounter Mew, make sure that your team tactics is set to Do Not Attack. You should make your way to the stairs immediately when the winds start up, because you do not want to get blown out of the dungeon! Just be careful of the winds when they start blowing. So there is no way to tell if Mew has spawned until you see it. The only problem is that Mew has no special icon, and it will appear as a red square. Stay on the floor and run around to allow enemies to respawn, since every time an enemy spawns, there is a chance Mew will spawn. When you get to floor 40, put on the X-Ray Specs and hunt down all the enemies you see. After you get the item, you can start the hunt for Mew. If you want to make one trip, enter the dungeon and defeat Regirock, Regice, and Registeel as quickly as possible. Make sure to bring an Escape Orb too, if you do not plan to go through the entire dungeon. The X-Ray Specs will help you find Mew when you finally get to a floor Mew spawns on. If you have the rare quality Tiny Stomach, you should bring it on your third Pokemon to help with hunger concerns. So Perfect Apples help greatly, since they increase belly size. Hunger can be a real problem in this dungeon. Other items you need to bring are the X-Ray Specs, Perfect Apples, and Big Apples. Make sure to also bring plenty of Inviting Orbs, on the off chance Mew does not ask to join your team the first time you use one. Next, recruit 5 Pokemon into your team as fast as possible to maximize Squad Up’s capabilities. If you do not know where to get the Friend Bow, I have a guide with everything you need to know to get it. Make sure to also bring a Pokemon who knows False Swipe. To give yourself the best chance of recruiting Mew, make sure to have the Friend Bow, and the rare qualities Friendly and Squad Up. Additionally, Mew is not guaranteed to join your team when it is defeated, creating quite the challenge if you are not prepared! The process to to recruit Mew is different from all other legendary Pokemon in Rescue Team DX. Once you have all three items, Mew can appear in the dungeon. Just make sure to have plenty of food, Oran Berries, and Reviver Seeds.Īfter defeating each boss, you will receive an item. These bosses are not as difficult as Kyogre, so you do not need to bring All Protect Orbs, All Power Up Orbs, or All Dodge Orbs. The bosses are Regirock on floor 15, Regice on floor 25, and Registeel on floor 35.

Even though you have access to Buried Relic, you cannot recruit Mew just yet. This is mostly because there are Pokemon with multi-hit moves, and there are more monster houses. The dungeon is pretty easy to do after the Stormy Sea, but floors 80+ can be deadly. This is a massive 99 floor dungeon, and the home of Mew. You will be told about rumors of a brand new dungeon called the Buried Relic. After you beat the Stormy Sea, an event will trigger the next day. The Stormy Sea is a difficult dungeon, which is why I have prepared a detailed guide to help you prepare for the tough journey.

Second, you need to unlock the Stormy Sea dungeon and then defeat Kyogre on the final floor. First, you have to beat the main storyline of the game. Before you can find Mew, there are some requirements you have to fulfill.