A decade earlier, Kenny Wray and I had traveled a roadway near Marfa during a rainstorm and had encountered numbers of desert box turtles. Why did I want to go to Marfa? Merely to see and photo desert box turtles, Terrapene ornata luteola. Guess what? The car and I both made it - both a bit worse for the wear, but the entire trip was accomplished in three-and-a-half long days (and nights). One, would my little 4-cylinder 1996 Toyota RAV survive the trip, and two, would I survive the trip? That adds up to around 3,400 miles total. So there and back is 2,800 miles, plus 500 or so miles for road-hunting side excusions. Marfa, Tex., is about 1,400 miles from my home. Locate a business by name: click to list your business myaccount myaccount log in register already registered? user profile help/support read email change email lost password contact advertising rates.other features other features reptile & amphibian glossary reptile & amphibian veterinarians clubs,societies, & organizations zoos & aquariums biographies more features.
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